
Internet Exlplorer

  1. Go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Internet Options'
  2. Select the 'Security' tab
  3. If the security level is set to 'Medium-High' or lower JavaScript will already be enabled
  4. If the security level is set to 'Custom' click on the 'Custom level' button, scroll down to the 'scripting' section and enable 'Active scripting'

If using Internet Explorer 9:

  1. Select the Tools menu (represented by the cog icon) at the top of the screen. (If this is not visible, press the ALT + X keys, to the left of your spacebar on your keyboard.) Next, select Internet Options.
  2. Select the 'Security' tab on the new window
  3. Security should be set to 'Medium-High'. Click on 'Custom level'
  4. In the new window, scroll down to the scripting section and select 'Enable'
  5. Click on 'OK', and then click on 'OK' on the Internet options window
  6. Restart your browser


  1. Go to the 'Tools' menu and select 'Options'
  2. Select the 'Content' tab
  3. Make sure the 'Enable JavaScript' check box is ticked


  1. Click on the spanner icon in the top right of the browser, and select ‘Options’.
  2. A new tab will open. On the left side of the browser, select ‘Under the Hood’.
  3. In the ‘Privacy’ section, select ‘Content Settings’.
  4. In the JavaScript section, select ’Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended)’.
  5. Close the tab down. Refresh the page. JavaScript should now be enabled.


  1. Go to the 'Edit' menu and select 'Preferences'
  2. Select the 'Security' tab
  3. Make sure the 'Enable JavaScript' check box is ticked