The Help topics for instructors and FAQs and responses are in alphabetical order below. You can view as a list or single view and there is a search function ...
I am an ALSG instructor and haven't taught for 3 years
To re-establish active instructor status you will need to complete the on-line topics for the course you wish to teach on, via the ALSG site, immediately and also book to teach on a face-to-face course within 3 months of completing the topics. For information on accessing the instructor e-modules see: How do I access the instructor e modules?
To book a course place to teach please visit our website via this link and click on the 'Teach on a course' link in the central column of the menu.
I am an ALSG provider course instructor can I teach on the GIC?
Provider course instructors who have taught on a minimum of four provider Courses within any of the participating groups, as a full Instructor, are eligible to teach on a GIC as an instructor candidate (GIC IC). All GIC ICs will be required to satisfactorily teach on a maximum of two GICs before full GIC Instructor status is granted.
I am an instructor candidate (IC) but I have not managed to complete my instructor training.
You have 4 years from the date of the provider course you were recommended from, to complete your instructor training; this is passing the GIC course and attending your IC assessments. If you have not managed to do this you may need to start at the beginning of the process i.e. do the provider course and if recommended, re-do the GIC etc. Please contact ALSG and we will advise on your individual circumstances.
I cant launch the instructor e-modules into my internet browser
If using Internet Explorer 9:
I have been teaching overseas, does this count towards my UK Instructor commitments?
Yes, if you have been teaching overseas on ALSG approved courses your instructor activity can be registered with ALSG. Please contact the course organiser at the centre you have been teaching at for information regarding ALSG approval.
I have been recommended for instructor status from an ALSG provider course but have already done a GIC
If you have already done a GIC course you will not need to do this again. You will be classed as a fast track instructor. ALSG will contact you regarding your instructor status once the post course returns have been submitted to ALSG and we have processed them. This can be up to 8 weeks post course. If this time frame has lapsed and you haven't heard from us, please complete this form: and you will be contacted with further information within two weeks.
My Instructor page in the ALSG learning site
To access the course Instructor page for the course types you teach on, please click on ' Access my instructor page' in the central column in the Menu link, in the top right of the website. You will be asked to log in.
(An image is available in the single view. Click the picture to enlarge)
I am an active ALSG Instructor and need to take a break from instructing, what should I do?
We understand our instructors need to take breaks from teaching for different reasons. ALSG will sanction a one year break without notification to us.
We request you keep your VLE profile up to date during this time so that you will continue to receive notifications from us.
If a break from instructing is needed for a longer period of time, please complete the form below and we will get back to you within two weeks:
I was an ALSG course instructor and havent taught for 4 years or more. I do not actively teach on other ALSG or RC(UK) courses.
If you wish to re-accredit as an ALSG instructor you should re-attend the provider course for the course you wish to teach on and be successfully recommended again for instructor training. Then you may start the instructor process again, however, in some cases you may also have to re-attend the GIC course. Please contact ALSG and we will advise on your individual circumstances.
I can't view the instructor e-modules after launching?
If the e-modules content is not displayed, the most likely reason is that you do not have the Flash Player plug-in installed, or you may have an older version of the Flash Player.
If this is the case, a message will be displayed in the browser window instructing you to visit the Flash Player download site to get the latest version
We recommend that you always have the latest version of the player installed. Alternatively you may receive a message saying that your Flash player has blocked access to the content.
To change your Flash Player security settings, follow these steps:
In your browser, go to: