
  • Check that you are eligible before booking

    • The Advanced Paediatric Life Support programme is for those from a medical, nursing, ECP, ACP, ODP or RTO background for whom APLS is relevant to their working practice and are currently working or employed in a relevant role.
    • Critical Care Practitioners (CCPs) who work in (or are involved in the transfer of patients to and from) PICU or CCU are eligible.
    • Physicians Associates for whom APLS is relevant to their working practice and are currently working or employed in a relevant role are eligible.
    • RTOs from any background who work in a paediatric hospital are eligible. RTOs who work in a non-paediatric hospital, with any other background to those already listed, can apply to ALSG for permission to attend an APLS course, detailing their paediatric practice.  
    • We recommend that nurses are senior staff nurses (band 6) and above. Experienced band 5 staff nurses may undertake the course but would benefit from attending PLS first.
    • Other health professionals for whom APLS is relevant to their working practice can apply to ALSG for permission to attend an APLS course.
    • We strongly recommend that candidates have already acquired basic paediatric life support skills on a course such as PLS (pILS or local equivalent) before applying for and attending an APLS course. APLS is an advanced course that assumes this level of knowledge and skills and builds on these to develop advanced skills and leadership.
    • International graduates may also benefit from undertaking PLS prior to APLS to become familiar with simulation.